Ever since my love of Disney has grown, I have been thinking of ways to incorporate Disney into the classroom. I want to be able to share my passion with all of my students. I was not able to really think of many ways until this semester. My field experience has me out every Thursday for 8 weeks, all day, teaching and interacting in classrooms. The classroom I am in, a 4th grade room at a nearby catholic school, could not have been better picked for me! My mentor teacher is a huge Disney fan and is helping to give me ideas of how to incorporate Disney into the classroom! Learning from her has been so much fun and has given me a lot of ideas on my own! With having all of these ideas, I have decided to spread the knowledge and share with all of you the ideas of how to turn your classroom into a Disney fun-filled environment; how you can become a Disney Educator, or a Disucator!
I will be posting all the different ideas that I come up with here on my blog under the heading and tag of "The Disucator". I will have everything, from behavioral tactics, to decorating ideas and even some actual lesson plans that are filled with Disney fun while still fitting in with the general educational standards (I will be looking at the Pennsylvania State Standards as a base for educational guidelines, individual state and country standards may be different, but I will try to give a general category where you can find which one of your standards the lesson falls under.)
I really hope that everyone will enjoy this new series of my blog and if you have any feedback about the lessons, please let me know! Send me comments, let me know if you try the lesson, if you like it or not, if you would use it in your classroom, if you would enjoy the lesson or even if you have any ideas about lessons that you would like me to post about! I would love any and all feedback! And not just feedback from you "Disucators", I would love to know what parents and kids think of these ideas as well! Leave a comment on the post or send me an email at lady_aurora_yensid@hotmail.com.

Until our next lesson, class dismissed!
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