I first want to apologize to all of my great readers for not having anything posted recently here. Thank you for being so patient with me! Because of your great patience, I thought I would let you know why I have been less active recently and how I have been.
The first reason of course is school.....it always gets in the way of the important stuff.....I started that a few weeks back and unlike my last semester when I had at least 1 day off per week, I do not have that this semester. I have class Monday through Thursday and on Fridays, starting this week, I will be teaching from 9 to 3 at Chester Community Charter. I am looking forward to this even though there is a lot of work involved. I found out that this is my very last field placement before student teaching next spring....wow is that never wracking!! Oh, and pile on top of that the 4 PRAXIS tests that I have to take and pass by December......yikes......
My health has been doing quite well recently. The fiasco I was going through with my medication has been subdued for at least a while and I have my medicine and am doing quite well on it! I have been so well I have actually started to regularly work out about 3 times a week at the gym at school. It is great fun and quite relaxing. Get to listen to my Disney music and bike around, its a great time!
My honors class has been taking up quite a bit of time. I am still writing my paper on something Disney related, I just haven't been able to pinpoint what I want to write about as of yet. At this point, I am contemplating doing the paper I was going to work on this summer, which is examining Walt Disney's vision of EPCOT and seeing how realistic and possible it would be for today's society. That will give me some more time to brainstorm on the other topic I am going to cover for my last paper. I have also been working on creating a blog for my Honors class. We need to get our name out more, so I figured one of the best ways to do that would be a blog. Once I have done some work on that, I will post a link to it from here so you can see what Neumann University Honors is all about.
My radio show on Sorcerer Radio, Sorcom Review, is still going very strong, as is my Neumann Radio show Imagine the Magic. Still having so much fun with those, I really enjoy the radio!
With all of this craziness around me, I was finding it difficult to fit in the things I really want to do: Write on my blog and talk Disney! I am going to try a lot harder to put this in though, I find it so relaxing to talk about Disney, I think it would really help me balance the other stuff I have to do. I do have lots of stuff to write about and I will work to get it all posted.
Again, thank you for your patience with a crazy college student, you all are awesome!!
Peace, Love and Mickey Mouse!!
P.S. Keep your eyes open for something that Chris and I have in the works as well.....
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