Thursday, June 25, 2009

What is this stinking Blog all about???

From the title of this blog page,The True Disney Fan, you probably guess that a lot of what will be on this page is related to Disney. I am a huge fan of Disney, especially Walt Disney World! (I have actually just been recently named Neurotic Disney Individual (NDI) #21 on, check out this site for more information) Disney is very dear to my heart because of the magic it brings to the realities of life. The extreme detail that goes into every bit of magic is what sets Disney apart from all other parks of its nature and what memorizes the young and young at heart! So yes, a lot of what I blog about will be Disney, from the goings on in the Disney world to my own personal experiences with the Company.

This will not be my only entries though. If you readers are taking the time to look at this page, I feel that it is my duty as the writer to share some of myself with you all, so there will be posts about my life and what I am up to and how life is overall. I also plan on sharing any interesting story I come across, whether Disney related or not.

My Twitter friend, DisneyFrankness, gave me some advice. He said "I had always heard the main rule in writing is make the subject something you are passionate about" and that is exactly what I intend to do. If something strikes me, good or bad, I will write about it because if it struck me, I am sure it will someone else as well and it should be shared.

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